Monday, March 21, 2011

Coughing and Sneezing and Nose Blowing...OH MY!

Yes, it's true, I'm sick...AGAIN! My immune system hates me. Seriously though, why don't people just stay home when they're sick. I do! I know it might be an inconvenience, but it's a bigger one when you share the crap with everyone you work with or come in contact with in public. I wash my hands constantly because I have OCD and always freak out and worry I'm going to get germs on me from "dirty" people. I'm sure I've even offended (not intentionally) some folks with my frantic searching for my sanitizer after we shake hands or exchange money/ink pens/etc. That being said, I have an appointment at the doctor's office in the morning and I pray it's not the flu again. This winter was my first round of the flu ever in my life and it about killed me. Tamiflu does help but it beats the crap out of in the process. I had a fever earlier and it broke and came back about an hour ago. YUCK! That pretty much sums up my feelings right now. Just keep praying it's anything but the flu.

On a lighter note, anyone have any new healthy snack or meal suggestions? As always, love, love, LOVE my feedback, emails, recipes, quotes, etc. You all ROCK!

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