Saturday, May 5, 2012

Letting Go and Moving On

There comes a time when you can no longer hold on to hatred in your heart, because it does you no good in the long run. It doesn’t change things or the people’s ways that you’ve grown to hate. Just as people can act in ways that make you fall in love with them, those same people can act in ways that grow hate. I learned, funny enough from a Madea movie, that forgiveness is for your own peace of mind, not the other person. It’s your own heart, well being and conscious that will suffer when you choose to carry hate rather than love in your own heart. The true meaning of forgive and forget is just that. Don’t overanalyze it. Forgive the person, give the grief and hurt and even anger to God and FORGET IT. Let it go. Don’t look back. Looking back in life is like going to a yard sale and buying your own junk back. Obviously there is a reason you got rid of it in the first place. A person can only hurt you if you ALLOW them to do so. There are many different things that you can do to let go of these inconsistencies in your soul.  My outlet is writing. Over the years, I’ve wrote down anything and everything that helps me heal. Even if it means writing down things that I want to say to a person that I just don’t have the capability to say, rather it’s due to a broken relationship or a restraining order (LOL). I always thought my life would be significantly different at the age of thirty, but I’m still learning and growing and I’m a work in progress. Lucky for me, God ain’t giving up on me!

I’ve held onto to some hate for quite some time and I’m venting and letting it go effective now.

I don’t hate you, I feel sorry for you. You’re a liar. You live your life to make others feel sorry for you and lie to get your way through this world. It should have never surprised me to find out who you really are, since you are only a product of what you came from. You cheated on me, you put your hands on me and there’s a strong possibility that you even killed my innocent puppy. I will never warn anyone about the kind of person you really are, since no one warned me, but I trust my own heart that you will be brought to light. I feel sorry for you when Karma gets it’s hands on you and especially come Judgement Day because people like you have a rude awakening when that time arrives.

I used to consider you one of my best friends, then I realized the meaning of a wolf in sheeps clothing. You are the epitome of a backstabber. You looked me straight in my face and lied to me and even hugged me and consoled me at some low times in my life. I’m surprised my skin didn’t carry burn marks from being touched by a product of Satan himself. The next time your husband beats you and you feel like you want to die just to get out of the lifestyle you’ve chosen, you may know a percentage of the pain you caused me along the way. A lot of people are finally seeing you for who you really are and I know more will along the way. You are a disgusting excuse for a woman and I don’t know how you sleep at night with your conscience. But I do pray that you find in your heart the good person that your parents raised you to be instead of the selfish, two faced witch you have morphed into.

I’m the most disgusted by you. Not only do you disgust me as the lack of a human being, woman and mother that you should be, but you even drag your child into the chaotic world you’ve created in your mind and bring emptional and mental havoc in her world as well. You know personally what it’s like to lose your father, as do I, and yet still, you create lies and prohibit your daughter from having a relationship with her own father, who is an amazing man, regardless of the lies you create in your twisted mind attempting to make him out to be anything other than the person he truly is. You have done nothing but attempt to drag his name and morals through the dirt since things didn’t go your way. The only thing he’s guilty of doing is bettering himself by removing you from his life. You are trash, you’ve always been trash, you’ll always be trash. And no I don’t just know what people have told me. If you recall, as you’re so quick to tell others, we were at one time, “friends”. You are a pitiful excuse for a mother, woman and human being. You don’t deserve to share oxygen with the rest of the human race. I can’t think of a horrid enough pain for you to go through for the things you’ve done to others. And while you continue to spread rumors and lies about me, I’ll set that straight to: he wasn’t cheating on you while you were married, as he and I didn’t become a couple until October 2011, a full two months plus after you and he had ended your relationship, prior to that, we were nothing more than friends; he didn’t abandon you and your daughter, he asked you for time apart to figure things out and you in turn moved out of the home in the middle of the day when you knew he was at work to an undisclosed location for almost four months, all the while he was calling your family asking to speak with his daughter and they were “hiding” you so that he couldn’t make contact with her; we were not stalking you when we found out you were at your grandfather’s house, you tell your business to anyone who will listen and someone told us where you lived and we rode by the house to verify the car was there so that he could give that information to DSS when you were reported for parental kidnapping; I understand that you like to tell anyone who will iisten that he is a deadbeat dad and doesn’t pay child support, but what you fail to tell them is that he gave you child support and you returned the check to him and refused the money because it was a written check showing proof that he was supporting his daughter and not cash that you could do what you liked with and not have on record; I did not tell you that I would kidnap your daughter, so you can kill that rumor as well, I did however state that he WILL have a relationship with his daughter and you were making it complicated by not coming to an agreement with him and causing it to be a court ordered ordeal; I am not expecting a child either, since that seems to be your rumor of choice these days, even telling people that don’t know me this one and they in turn asking a mutual friend about it which is how it was brought to my attention, however if I was pregnant, at least I would know who the father of my child is, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it! Now the one thing I have been accused of that is truer than true is that I told you I would be a better mother than you and that is something you can bank on. Again, I can only pray that when Karma gets ahold of you, I get a ticket and a front row seat to the show. You are in for one hell of an eye opener when the dust settles.

I’m done ranting now, I just had to clear these things from my mind and heart. I honestly feel better. Try writing sometime, might just help you too!

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