I have found myself at a place in my life where I have a renewed faith and inner peace that I’ve prayed and longed for, for quite some time. I don’t even find myself upset when I hear and see the things that take place or are said around me, though I do sometimes still find humor in it. Mostly because I realize that it’s jealousy and ignorance at it’s best.
It’s kind of funny but, I have now being referred to as a slut. No doubt, I’ve been called worse by better people and it didn’t hurt my feelings, because that would imply that a) it was true and b) that I valued this person’s opinion of me. The humor in this is that the person calling me a slut has had four boyfriends in the past seven months that she’s publicly professed to “loving”, posted inappropriate pictures of, introduced to her child, admitted to being intimate with and used for whatever she could get to benefit herself, but I’M the slut? Color me confused! This is what I’ve come to realize: jealousy is such an ugly trait and it shows through. I hear and see the things that are said about me by this person and I know it’s just jealousy speaking loudly. The rumors, the lies, the accusations…it’s all a part of your elaborate scheme to make yourself feel better and get even with someone who bettered themselves by ridding their life of you. People see you for who you are. They may not all be to a point of disgust with you that I am, in that they haven’t said what they think of you to your face, but they express their opinions. You think you got all your ducks in a row when in reality, you are a train wreck and your world is falling apart right in front of your face. That’s what happens when you think the way to wade through life is to cheat, lie and manipulate people who try to help you…you get burned baby! Perhaps you should worry a little more about what is going on in your own home and pitiful excuse for a life and less about finding a new boyfriend to try and support you. There’s this foreign concept that you haven’t seemed to grasp called a JOB. You could pay your own way rather than stress over finding someone else to pay for you. I know that seems far fetched in your world, but everyone has to grow up eventually or just continue to pay the consequences of choosing to be ignorant, stubborn and jealous.
I will say this, I believe in karma and I believe that what goes around comes around and you’ve got a lot of debt to pay off in those departments. I hope you’re ready to deal with that sleeping dragon you poked. Most people would let sleeping dogs lie. Now where’s my popcorn, this entertainment is getting good! Enjoy the show!
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