Monday, November 21, 2011

All you need is a lil' fairy dust...

The past week has been eye opening for me. I realize that in order to get by in this world, at some point, I have to stand up for me and what I believe in. I get emails from so many people that read this blog, some that I don’t even know and they tell me stories of how I inspire them or motivate them and how my blog helped them through a hard time and so on and so forth and then I realized, would they still look up to me if they knew how easy it is for me to be weak when I’m alone. I hate confrontation, but if needed, I’ll jump right in the lion’s den, however, it’s usually in regard to someone upsetting my momma, my sister, my love, my friends, my dogs, etc…hardly ever is it when someone has betrayed me. I’m quick to defend the people who own my heart, but I let my own back carry footprints and stab wounds without recourse. Finally last week, a co-worker said, “Cris, why are you less important than those around you that you love?”. Dang, never really thought of it that way before, just kind of always went with it. However, last week, I stood up for myself and I stood my ground, even when my voice was shaking and tears fell freely down my cheeks, I never backed down, because I strongly believed in what I was fighting for and knew if I backed down, I would lose my footing and fall right back down. I remember being a kiddo and hearing the story of Chicken Little and “the sky falling”…that chicken ran all over town spreading word that the sky was falling and creating panic and chaos, yet never once stopped to think before I spread this rumor, perhaps I should consider that I may have been sitting under an apple tree. I need some folks to start considering the apple tree before you accuse and create panic and disorder and chaos in your world (and mine)! Life is too short for all this nonsense and self destruction. It’s also too short to spend it being stressed and miserable. Get back in the saddle and ride the horse…for God’s sake, if you fall off, you’re no worse off than you were sitting on the ground under that apple tree, right? At least you took the chance. No one ever won the lottery without buying a ticket. Surround yourself with love, happiness, smiles, giggles and a little bit of crazy (everyone needs a little bit of crazy) and I can almost assure you that you will find while one bad apple ruins the bunch, one ray of sunshine can melt the snowflakes. Again, I remind you, LIFE IS TOO SHORT! Believe and you shall receive…build it and they will come…YOU are the controller of YOUR own destiny! So, I leave you with a sprinkle of fairy dust ::twinkle, twinkle::…the rest is up to YOU!

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